Send us a query letter via the Contact Form on the main page. If we like the sound of your book idea, we will request a sample or the full manuscript. We are a small press, so we do not publish many titles per year.
1. We only accept articles directly related to the Order of the Golden Dawn and its teachings. If you have a topic loosely associated, pitch it to us before sending, so that we can ensure it’s a good fit.
2. We are looking for articles that are of a scholarly nature, well-written, with insightful commentary, where applicable. See previous editions for examples of the calibre we’re looking for.
3. We also publish original documents from the Order and its direct offshoots, though this is not the primary focus of our journal.
4. We do NOT publish material that includes authors’ personal views on politics or other unrelated matters.
5. Send your final, edited, corrected, proofread version of your work. While we’re happy to correct typos found after layout is done, we will not accept other changes once layout is complete.
1. Font: size 12, single spaced, Times New Roman, Georgia, Courier, Arial, Helvetica, or similar common font (PC, Windows). If in doubt, use Times New Roman.
2. Any special fonts used (for esoteric symbols, for example) will require additional submission of the associated font file in .OTF or .TTF format (for PC, Windows). You must possess the rights/license to use this font, and/or provide the same to us. If in doubt, search for fonts that are free to use for commercial purposes.
3. Make notes as footnotes only, NOT endnotes. This is to ensure consistency throughout the text.
4. Include images in a zipped folder, named appropriately (for example “image1”), with their position in your document appropriately labelled as follows: [image1], [image2], etc.
5. Submit images in as high quality as possible, ideally in their original format (for example, Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop file). This is to ensure the highest print quality possible.
6. Save and submit your document in .doc or .docx format. Most word processors can save in this format (usually via File -> Save As), but if it’s not possible, try an online file converter, such as this:
Contact us for our submissions email.